Screw Why

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a little of the Same

a little of the same

The words are a little of the same. Every word being a little same as a rep. Each rep, short for repetition, having movement with a start middle finish. Each muscle starting with eccentric contraction moving a little to a concentric contraction. Each word starting movement from what is away, eccentric, from the thought to move closer, concentric, to the thought.

The analogy of words and reps is expansive. It will take a book of blogs to explain. The similarities between each word you willingly think and each rep you willingly make with your voluntary muscles is more innate and incomprehensible than meets the eye so for now start to remember what I wrote before...

Chapter 1

Be, careful, what you see.

You’re not listening.

Be, careful, what you see.

I got you

Because for now this is just a little of the same.