Screw Why

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If you read or listen to probably any of your authorities about lifting your max you'll think similar thoughts about not trying your max every workout for any muscle. If you don't read or listen and just watch your authorities you have a better chance of not thinking about doing your max.

If you read, listen, or watch me as your authority you may do your max every workout. You may screw enlightenment. and do your max.

You can still warm up during your physically working out. We have been warming up for many mental workouts. You can count reps, weights, rests, days. You can push, pull, pace yourself to most, and try maxing on a schedule. But at one point you have to separate your workouts to do your max. You can't think your physical max.

The neuron fired off will not reach your maximum neurons, and you can't try to physically max them. Thinking about max fires off neurons with thought of doing most of max, and neurons of remembered max. Thinking about doing most of your max and deciding to do your max combines physical with mental. Doing max separates them.

Your muscle fiber, not your brain neurons, max your physical workout. You can’t your physical max. If you need an example of this, think of a parent lifting a car off their child.

This blog was mostly talk about physical max.. Do your max every workout, don’t think your physical max and each time your brain neurons will immediately follow past your mental max.

Past your mental max is a seperate blog,