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Not waiting part 1

Titled not waiting part 1 because part 2 is suicide or at least suicidal. Stop what you’re thinking. Suicide isn’t what you think, and yet maybe it is a lot of exactly that, but that’s part 2. You’ve had and will most likely have most to all your time anytime to choice part 2 and you’re probably rightfully thinking now if ever, you’ll have little to no time afterwards so you can wait. Maybe.

It’s my tale to show you differently and/or maybe have you leave us waiting. It’s my tale to show you what the choices are. I think, I need to start with part 1 to do my explaining, but a warning. Not waiting part 2 comes physically, logically, etymologically in a way, before waiting. You can’t not wait after already waiting. You can choose to stop waiting anymore but that can be a choice only once chosen with no second thoughts, even with part 1. Maybe you should read over all about your choices first.

Another warning. This blog, the posts to stall for time, and the posts of the book… they are all a first short lived shooting from the hip of at this moment thoughts on how to tell you. No real gun in my hand, yes well done, but look again. Instead of a gun pulled and shot in one motion it’s a deadlier aim I already have shown, landing between you eyes these words just as deadly as bullets if I’m careless, or if one of us doesn’t finish.

And know this, most of you are already choosing not waiting whatever I write.