6 best
6 best
6 BEST Biceps Exercises (DON’T SKIP THESE!!)
6 BEST Triceps Exercises (ANATOMY BASED)
6 best things to get your arms around when lifting:
Change your workout often, 6 weeks might be often;
Do triceps first then biceps if you're doing them one after the other on the same day;
The more you rest between sets the stronger you are, your choice, your mistake if too long;
There's such a thing as protraction, it’s not negatives, you'll have to really work at knowing your muscles, but the payoff is exciting;
Think only of lifting that muscle hours, minutes, seconds until you lift that muscle, done right will be more than exciting;
Relax completely, especially the muscles around and the neurons involved, the few seconds before the lift as best you can and/or but relax if you can't.