Arrest me
Alan, Alan, Alan... do a search on books by Alan Watts and one result comes up thriftbooks: Alan W. Watts #9 in Buddhism #14 in Philosophy Similar Authors To Alan W. Watts Shunryu Suzuki; Charlotte Joko Beck; Joseph Goldstein; Jolande Jacobi; Joseph L. Henderson; Aniela Jaffé; Israel Regardie; Stanislav Grof; Stephen Batchelor; J. Mark G. Williams; Zindel V. Segal; Terence McKenna; James Hutton; Christmas Humphreys; John Snelling; Lin Yutang; Mark Watts; Dōgen; Smedley D. Butler; Αριστοτέλης
Still the Mind: An Introduction to Meditation by Mark Watts and Alan W. Watts Excerpted from Still the Mind by Alan W. Watts Copyright ? 2000 by Alan W. Watts Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
I read only Alan’s, none of the similar authors. I did click into Mark Watts’s book and read the Peek Inside. Mark is Alan’s son. Full disclosure again, I disclosed in a previous blog if it matters to you, I’ve read every word of what Mark wrote before so it’s not too much to read it again before I go to bed. It’s been a day trying to deal with a blown engine, trying to publish, working out, grocery shopping, life, thinking, but rereading Alan’s words remembered by son Mark was easiest, for the lack of another word. I’m still tired and it’s 61 minutes before time up pencils down tonight.
He’re the thing, double disclosure, you’ve read every word of Alan and Mark’s already too. Many you’ve reread in the last minute. The whole part about permission in writing from the publisher because Alan and Mark own the words is laughable. If they own them they stole them from us. If we don’t claim them back they’re mumbled away like Latin.
Read Mark’s stolen words it’s a good steal from his father Alan, who stole them from us, who stole them from everyone before us, who stole them just like Mark and Alan, and the rest of us to stay alive so we won’t starve to death. Triple, double disclosure I already stole those words from you in a previous blog. More stealing soon. I’m going to bed.