The word never reminds me of the word always. I don't remember if I blogged about always. I'm haven't looking back to check. It won't hurt if it gets worked out again.
I haven't done push-pull workouts over days in 45 years. I've read about them. I've listen to other lifters tell me about the them. One day working out half the body, the other half the next. I haven't worked out that way, choose not to so far. Weight lifting workouts need to go to the extreme. Lifting half doesn't go so far. Lift one muscle to a extreme of your choice or workout to the other extreme of heavy low rep lifting of every muscle.
The perspectives of never and always are extremes mental workouts. You need to read and listen to others pushing and pulling not even half extremes of those words. After you do, I think you'll be like me. I choose not to worked out that way so far.
It's too far.