Chasing Stephens
Chasing Stephens
Before you can catch me, I need to catch Stephens.
Stephen King
Steven Pressfield
Stephen Muka
Does that mean you can't catch me until I catch Stephens, or does it mean you can catch me so I need to catch Stephens before you do? Would it help if I wrote it the other way? I need to catch Stephens, before you can catch me. And if you are wondering about the spelling, you're standing still.
Those aren't the only questions. What does it mean to catch me? What does it mean to catch a Stephen? Who are these Stephens to me, to you? Who was Stephen Muka? If he's dead is he easier to catch? If you don't catch me is the question moot? Is it moot if you never started, or maybe only moot if you never catch me? If you don't catch me, is starting or finishing catching Stephens moot?
The short answer?
Both yes and/or no.
Neither yes and/or no.
The long answer?