Don't be Jesus's dog...
Don't be Jesus's dog...
Let me guess, now I have your attention and your first reaction probably negative towards me. Maybe, don't be Jesus's dog, sounds insulting. Maybe you read it as my way of insulting anybody following Jesus's words by calling them, you, dogs following commands. Maybe you read dog as slang for trusted friend and who am I to tell you not to be Jesus's friend. Maybe you read it as a cheap SEO move.
I hesitated to write it, I had a feeling you would take it negative. I also thought it might be too soon too easy for me to write, too soon too hard for you to read. I decided to write it, I decided it was time for you to follow.
You may feel the words Jesus spoke are pointing out the way. Millions around the world see the words of Jesus the same way. Jesus's words are the way. If so, please don't be Jesus's dog...
Our dogs, and Jesus's dog if he ever had one, are fanciating animals both in description and nature. Yet dogs don't follow sermans, each word doesn't point the way for a dog. The word from your mouth are pointing the same way as the tip of your finger pointing to the way. It's not the way is it? You can say it over or louder, you can point longer or harder and our dogs only look to the end of our finger, our mouths with the sound of our voices.
The words may point the way for you but it's not the actual way. I hesitated to write the "..." It was the wordless part, the part that might be too soon too hard for you. But I decide to try to point when I started the blog so...
Here... here.. look... don't be Jesus's dog, yet.