Come on, three more reps.
Come on, three more reps.
Brian Greene asks Richard Dawkins ... Does God Exist?
Brian Greene Shares His Surprising Take on Religion and Science
WSU: Space, Time, and Einstein with Brian Greene
You have muscles that function best when you fully contract then extend. We'll cover the words explaining that in another blog.
You started flexing some brain neuron reps when the food and human touch rewards came in response to your first words. Everyday more get flexed much longer than immediate.
You hold a muscle half flex and know you're exhausting immediately.
You hold neurons half flex and you may not know you're exhausted for hours, day, years, near death.
You do the mental reps to fully contract on those neurons, and only then will you be able to fully extend.
You have just started to fully extend and rest from an hausting sleep you've needed daily.
Come on, push it.