bullshit and belief

THE KOMINSKY METHOD "EPISODE 301" 3. January 5, 2021 Shooting - Yellow Rev. Collated (2) 2 INT. FUNERAL CHAPEL - LATER (D1) 2 Norman’s grandson Robbie is now at the podium.

ROBBIE We are here today, to mourn the passing of my grandfather’s meat body. But that decaying collection of cells is not who or what he was. My grandfather was an immortal spirit that has lived countless millions of lives.

PHOEBE (under her breath) Oh shit.

MADELYN (to Sandy) Scientology? He sighs and nods.

ROBBIE And like all immortal spirits, he has roamed the universe for many eons in constant search of a game. For that is what we do. We play games. And the biggest game we play is to forget our true identity so we can play hide and seek with ourselves. And when the day comes that we find ourselves, that we know with absolute certainty that we are static awareness senior to matter, energy, space and time -- then we win. I know that to be true for myself. And now my grandpa knows it too. Although, without having crossed LRH’s bridge of total freedom, he’ll quickly be sucked back into the hellish merry go-round of birth and death. Thank you.

He crosses to his seat. On everyone’s stunned reaction, we: CUT TO:

The above is part of the story written by Chuck Lorre.

The smell of fresh bullshit can be unmistakable when you step in story. The smell can waft with authority and belief too when those building stone stories are under foot.



